
File asn-query

脚本使用类型: hostrule
脚本所属分类: discovery, external, safe
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/asn-query.nse

User Summary

Maps IP addresses to autonomous system (AS) numbers.

The script works by sending DNS TXT queries to a DNS server which in turn queries a third-party service provided by Team Cymru (team-cymru.org) using an in-addr.arpa style zone set up especially for use by Nmap. The responses to these queries contain both Origin and Peer ASNs and their descriptions, displayed along with the BGP Prefix and Country Code. The script caches results to reduce the number of queries and should perform a single query for all scanned targets in a BGP Prefix present in Team Cymru's database.

Be aware that any targets against which this script is run will be sent to and potentially recorded by one or more DNS servers and Team Cymru. In addition your IP address will be sent along with the ASN to a DNS server (your default DNS server, or whichever one you specified with the dns script argument).

Script Arguments


The address of a recursive nameserver to use (optional).

Example Usage


nmap --script asn-query [--script-args dns=<DNS server>] <target>

Script Output

Host script results:
|  asn-query:
|  BGP: | Country: US
|    Origin AS: 10565 SVCOLO-AS - Silicon Valley Colocation, Inc.
|      Peer AS: 3561 6461
|  BGP: | Country: US
|    Origin AS: 10565 SVCOLO-AS - Silicon Valley Colocation, Inc.
|_     Peer AS: 174 2914 6461


Author: jah, Michael Pattrick

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com


action (host)

Cached results are checked before sending a query for the target and extracting the relevent information from the response. Mutual exclusion is used so that results can be cached and so a single thread will be active at any time.


Return value:

Formatted answers or nil on errors.


hostrule (host)

This script will run for any non-private IP address.
