
File broadcast-bjnp-discover

脚本使用类型: prerule
脚本所属分类: safe, broadcast
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/broadcast-bjnp-discover.nse

User Summary

Attempts to discover Canon devices (Printers/Scanners) supporting the BJNP protocol by sending BJNP Discover requests to the network broadcast address for both ports associated with the protocol.

The script then attempts to retrieve the model, version and some additional information for all discovered devices.

Script Arguments


specifies the amount of seconds to sniff the network interface. (default 30s)

Example Usage


nmap --script broadcast-bjnp-discover

Script Output

| broadcast-bjnp-discover: 
|     Printer
|       Manufacturer: Canon
|       Model: MG5200 series
|       Description: Canon MG5200 series
|       Firmware version: 1.050
|       Command: BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe,NCCe,IVEC,IVECPLI
|     Scanner
|       Manufacturer: Canon
|       Model: MG5200 series
|       Description: Canon MG5200 series
|_      Command: MultiPass 2.1,IVEC


Author: Patrik Karlsson

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com