
File cups-info

脚本使用类型: portrule
脚本所属分类: safe, discovery
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/cups-info.nse

User Summary

Lists printers managed by the CUPS printing service.

Script Arguments

smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername

See the documentation for the smbauth library.

http.max-cache-size, http.max-pipeline, http.pipeline, http.useragent

See the documentation for the http library.

Example Usage


nmap -p 631 <ip> --script cups-info

Script Output

631/tcp open  ipp
| cups-info: 
|   Generic-PostScript-Printer
|     DNS-SD Name: Lexmark S300-S400 Series @ ubu1110
|     Location: 
|     Model: Local Raw Printer
|     State: Processing
|     Queue: 0 print jobs
|   Lexmark-S300-S400-Series
|     DNS-SD Name: Lexmark S300-S400 Series @ ubu1110
|     Location: 
|     Model: Local Raw Printer
|     State: Stopped
|     Queue: 0 print jobs
|   PDF
|     DNS-SD Name: PDF @ ubu1110
|     Location: 
|     Model: Generic CUPS-PDF Printer
|     State: Idle
|_    Queue: 0 print jobs


Author: Patrik Karlsson

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com