
File gkrellm-info

脚本使用类型: portrule
脚本所属分类: discovery, safe
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/gkrellm-info.nse

User Summary

Queries a GKRellM service for monitoring information. A single round of collection is made, showing a snapshot of information at the time of the request.

Example Usage


nmap -p 19150 <ip> --script gkrellm-info

Script Output

19150/tcp open  gkrellm
| gkrellm-info: 
|   Hostname: ubu1110
|   System: Linux 3.0.0-12-generic
|   Version: gkrellmd 2.3.4
|   Uptime: 2 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes
|   Processes: Processes 354, Load 0.00, Users 3
|   Memory: Total 493M, Free 201M
|   Network
|     Interface  Received  Transmitted
|     eth0       704M      42M
|     lo         43M       43M
|   Mounts
|     Mount point                        Fs type                Size    Available
|     /                                  rootfs                 19654M  10238M
|     /dev                               devtmpfs               239M    239M
|     /run                               tmpfs                  99M     98M
|     /sys/fs/fuse/connections           fusectl                0M      0M
|     /                                  ext4                   19654M  10238M
|     /sys/kernel/debug                  debugfs                0M      0M
|     /sys/kernel/security               securityfs             0M      0M
|     /run/lock                          tmpfs                  5M      5M
|     /run/shm                           tmpfs                  247M    247M
|     /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc           binfmt_misc            0M      0M
|     /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.12_77245  iso9660                49M     0M
|_    /home/paka/.gvfs                   fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon  0M      0M


Author: Patrik Karlsson

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com