
File hbase-master-info

脚本使用类型: portrule
脚本所属分类: default, discovery, safe
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/hbase-master-info.nse

User Summary

Retrieves information from an Apache HBase (Hadoop database) master HTTP status page.

Information gathered: * Hbase version * Hbase compile date * Hbase root eirectory * Hadoop version * Hadoop compile date * Average load * Zookeeper quorum server * Associated region servers

For more information about Hbase, see: * http://hbase.apache.org/ * http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hbase * http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/TaskTracker

Script Arguments

max-newtargets, newtargets

See the documentation for the target library.

smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername

See the documentation for the smbauth library.

http.max-cache-size, http.max-pipeline, http.pipeline, http.useragent

See the documentation for the http library.

Example Usage


nmap --script hbase-master-info -p 60010 host

Script Output

| hbase-master-info:
|   Hbase Version: 0.90.1
|   Hbase Compiled: Wed May 11 22:33:44 PDT 2011, bob
|   HBase Root Directory: hdfs://master.example.com:8020/hbase
|   Hadoop Version: 0.20  f415ef415ef415ef415ef415ef415ef415ef415e
|   Hadoop Compiled: Wed May 11 22:33:44 PDT 2011, bob
|   Average Load: 0.12
|   Zookeeper Quorum: zookeeper.example.com:2181
|   Region Servers:
|     region1.example.com:60030
|_    region2.example.com:60030


Author: John R. Bond

License: Simplified (2-clause) BSD license--See http://nmap.org/svn/docs/licenses/BSD-simplified