
File http-enum

脚本使用类型: portrule
脚本所属分类: discovery, intrusive, vuln
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/http-enum.nse

User Summary

Enumerates directories used by popular web applications and servers.

This parses a fingerprint file that's formatted in a way that's compatible with the Nikto Web application scanner. This script, however, takes it one step further by building in advanced pattern matching as well as having the ability to identify specific versions of Web applications.

Currently, the database can be found under Nmap's directory in the nselib/data folder. The file is called http-fingerprints and has a long description of its functionality in the file header.

Many of the finger prints were discovered by me (Ron Bowes), and a number of them are from the Yokoso project, used with permission from Kevin Johnson (http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2009/q3/0685.html).

Initially, this script attempts to access two different random files in order to detect servers that don't return a proper 404 Not Found status. In the event that they return 200 OK, the body has any non-static-looking data removed (URI, time, etc), and saved. If the two random attempts return different results, the script aborts (since a 200-looking 404 cannot be distinguished from an actual 200). This will prevent most false positives.

In addition, if the root folder returns a 301 Moved Permanently or 401 Authentication Required, this script will also abort. If the root folder has disappeared or requires authentication, there is little hope of finding anything inside it.

By default, only pages that return 200 OK or 401 Authentication Required are displayed. If the http-enum.displayall script argument is set, however, then all results will be displayed (except for 404 Not Found and the status code returned by the random files). Entries in the http-fingerprints database can specify their own criteria for accepting a page as valid.

Script Arguments


Set this argument to display all status codes that may indicate a valid page, not just 200 OK and 401 Authentication Required pages. Although this is more likely to find certain hidden folders, it also generates far more false positives.


Set to a category (as defined in the fingerprints file). Some options are 'attacks', 'database', 'general', 'microsoft', 'printer', etc.


The base path to prepend to each request. Leading/trailing slashes are ignored.


Specify a different file to read fingerprints from.

smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername

See the documentation for the smbauth library.

http.max-cache-size, http.max-pipeline, http.pipeline, http.useragent

See the documentation for the http library.

Example Usage


nmap -sV --script=http-enum <target>

Script Output

Interesting ports on test.skullsecurity.org (
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack
|  http-enum:  
|  |  /icons/: Icons and images
|  |  /images/: Icons and images
|  |  /robots.txt: Robots file
|  |  /sw/auth/login.aspx: Citrix WebTop
|  |  /images/outlook.jpg: Outlook Web Access
|  |  /nfservlets/servlet/SPSRouterServlet/: netForensics
|_ |_ /nfservlets/servlet/SPSRouterServlet/: netForensics


Author: Ron Bowes, Andrew Orr, Rob Nicholls

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com