
File ipv6-ra-flood

脚本使用类型: prerule
脚本所属分类: dos, intrusive
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/ipv6-ra-flood.nse

User Summary

Generates a flood of Router Advertisements (RA) with random source MAC addresses and IPv6 prefixes. Computers, which have stateless autoconfiguration enabled by default (every major OS), will start to compute IPv6 suffix and update their routing table to reflect the accepted announcement. This will cause 100% CPU usage on Windows and platforms, preventing to process other application requests.

Vulnerable platforms:

Security advisory: http://www.mh-sec.de/downloads/mh-RA_flooding_CVE-2010-multiple.txt

WARNING: This script is dangerous and is very likely to bring down a server or network appliance. It should not be run in a production environment unless you (and, more importantly, the business) understand the risks!

Additional documents: https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6104.txt

Script Arguments


defines interface we should broadcast on


runs the script until the timeout is reached (default: 30s). If timeout is zero, the script will run forever.

Example Usage


nmap -6 --script ipv6-ra-flood.nse
nmap -6 --script ipv6-ra-flood.nse --script-args 'interface=<interface>'
nmap -6 --script ipv6-ra-flood.nse --script-args 'interface=<interface>,timeout=10s'


Author: Adam Števko

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com