
File pcanywhere-brute

脚本使用类型: portrule
脚本所属分类: intrusive, brute
脚本下载地址: http://nmap.org/svn/scripts/pcanywhere-brute.nse

User Summary

Performs brute force password auditing against the pcAnywhere remote access protocol.

Due to certain limitations of the protocol, bruteforcing is limited to single thread at a time. After a valid login pair is guessed the script waits some time until server becomes available again.

Script Arguments


socket timeout for connecting to PCAnywhere (default 10s)

passdb, unpwdb.passlimit, unpwdb.timelimit, unpwdb.userlimit, userdb

See the documentation for the unpwdb library.

Example Usage


nmap --script=pcanywhere-brute <target>

Script Output

5631/tcp open  pcanywheredata syn-ack
| pcanywhere-brute:
|   Accounts
|     administrator:administrator - Valid credentials
|   Statistics
|_    Performed 2 guesses in 55 seconds, average tps: 0


Author: Aleksandar Nikolic

License: VER007 整理 http://www.ver007.com